יום שישי, 20 בינואר 2012

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups

For my IT and Non IT colleagues...You have your photos stored in you computer or hard drive, haven't you? Yes, you have and everybody has it, so if you want your photos available for you and family all the time you need to have: a computer, storage (HD or USB HD or a thumb drive), a screen, software to see or modify the photos and other things such as electricity, your time to maintain your computer and the most important back up just in case something goes wrong with the computer. Lot's of components that you have never noticed , isn't it? So, now imagine that you can store your photos in a place and these photos will be available for you and family forever? You only just need to have access to the web and retrieve your photos and it can be via smart phone/tv, tablet, etc.
This is cloud!!! very simple.. Of course my IT colleagues will say this only explain public cloud not private or hybrid. I think you can use the same analogy for all types of cloud and it will work....I have done it and people really enjoy it. By the way no diagrams or fency presos or any other paraphernalia is required just you voice.
Posted by Mo

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