יום רביעי, 11 בינואר 2012

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups

I think we may be a bit too "IaaS-centric" in our definition. For example, think how the many definitions you have given above would fit the Amazon Mechanical Turk offering. (aws.amazon.com/mturk). And for me, as I write a book explaining these types of Clouds and how people in the public sector are taking advantage of them, I think PaaS is by far the least understood and therefore most difficult to explain. Infrastructure is easy, that is true. Even SaaS is easy (think Salesforce.com), but with PaaS the definition just seems to get "into the weeds" quickly.

Im not sure there is a simple answer. I go back to the NIST definition as we sell to the public sector and everyone here knows NIST, but even that is not perfect. I just wrote a blog entry for my company a couple of weeks ago talking about the NIST definition. It can be found at www.gtsiblog.com/2011/11/29/a-good-definition-of-cloud/.
Posted by Jim

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