יום שבת, 11 בפברואר 2012

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups

All great comments and ideas. I can confirm that SME's are buying public cloud SaaS for multiple and disparate apps with Single Sign-On from Telecom Agents and VARs at present. The apps don't reside within the telcos stack. Instead, we enable the Agents and VARs to offer the apps through our platform of middleware residing domestically in Savvis and Terramark DC's. The middleware facilitates channeling the ISV's (Independent Software Vendors) apps (licenses) through our portal to be accessed by end users. This model is dropped into the VARs website in generic fashion and presented to their client base as their application service along with their other services. Carriers are quite deficient in delivering apps in this fashion for two reasons. One is that they want to deliver privately over their MPLS network, which is a worthy and sensible goal, yet simply not realisticy from a cost and time-to-market (i.e., speed) perspective. The other reason is because independent VARs and Telco Agents advise, outsell and outservice the carriers (even the local ones) all day long.

Non mission-critical apps such as email, collaboration, accounting, remote file server, security, desktop productivity, etc., can be delivered NOW at low cost, securely (often more secure than the orgs current methods), and with much higher reliability/uptime. Smart VARs and their clients understand there is already a viable and reliable model of SaaS to deploy and enjoy for high reliability, function and low cost. Carriers as a group will lag, even though a few like Telstra, Telus and Time Warner do "get it" and deliver now.
Posted by Emmet Tydings

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