יום רביעי, 29 ביוני 2011

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups

I generally kick off this discussion by introducing Cloud Computing as a real-world conceptualization of Christopher Nolan's "Inception." In other words, we're talking about servers within servers, all sharing one "dream" or common set of goals and resources.

From a systems infrastructure standpoint this simply means highly scalable applications running on cheap, upgradeable hardware that can be "ordered" with as few clicks as possible and served up assembly-line style via automated front-end applications that call back-end scripts/processes living in your datacenter (or Amazon’s datacenter, in the case of the “public cloud.”

To me this might mean a hypervisor farm that spins up a templated, pre-configured application server VMs upon approval of a web form that John Doe filled out at his desk 5 minutes earlier. To you it may mean something completely different - but as long as you're reducing the service delivery model of getting new infrastructure deployed to the complexity of a picking a song on a jukebox, then you're moving "to the cloud."
Posted by Brian Anderson

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