יום חמישי, 14 ביולי 2011

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

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Rick, I'm sorry but your comment doesn't apply to me.
I've been in IT for over 30 years and the cloud is not a product, it is merely the industry returning back to a centralised/dumb terminal model and therefore it is a sales gimmick, everything about SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS are flavours of existing models all packaged up into some bright new future by sales bods who know nothing of the past.
SaaS - Accessing an Internet Application, it matters not what it is, the fact it is delivered over the intenet makes it just a device accessing information from another device, nothing new there.
PaaS - Co Lo or hosting in all but name.
IaaS - Managed Services & CoLo/Hosting in all but name

The real cloud doesn't really apply to humans anyway, as it is the internet of things, network fridges ordering groceries when a designated slot is empty, cars booking themselves in for a service or emergency maintenance over a mobile connection.
Domestic appliances such as washing machines and driers waiting until cheap electricity comes online, balancing needs with resources. Traffic lights actively managing alternate routes for cars controlled by wayside computers when congestion bites. Flood control systems altering weir gates when the weather changes. all these things can operate in the cloud as it matter not where the data is as it is no use to anyone but the person who owns the fridge, car, washing machine etc

However, when people say that they are wary of the cloud because of security concerns its because they are wary of who has access to their data, which is likely to be just a little more sensitive because its business related or personal stuff like medical records and financial information - these are real fears, just see the outcry in the UK at the moment with phone hacking, its bringing down an entire global media organisation who had links into big business and government.
Do you think the cloud can stand up to that scrutiny?
And the only jobs under threat are those in corporate IT departments but hey they'll still be needed to install and maintain the kit in the cloud, they might have to travel a little longer to get to work thats all!
Posted by John Booth MBCS

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