יום שני, 18 ביולי 2011

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups

I have seen reports about attacks but they may not have been verifiable.
There are a lot of papers about possible security threats, but, most are either useable against many networks or not too practical.
Some of the grey hat attack descriptions for HTTP(S) are really scary.

Depending on how you are "explaining cloud", the real issues relate to the quality of normal security features in depth and the transparency of provider ops and quality to the users. There are multitenancy design issues.

If cloud means massive scale and brutal efficiency, it also means absolutely hard security with defense in depth.

This is not an area for people who accept software shrink wrap license agreements.

I t has bee said that the differences in cloud models are really the trust boundaries.
Posted by Woyach Frederick

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