יום ראשון, 3 ביולי 2011

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

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Hi There

This is a great thread, I recently had to do exactly this. My dad always needs to know what the latest and greatest is all about so he can impress his pals on the golf course. He asked me a while back about virtualisation and more recently about cloud. Fortunately when he asked about virtualisation I used an analogy I was able to carry through the whole story :) We are both quite into our cars so like a lot of you thats the analogy I used.
When I was explaining to him about virtualisation I told him it was sort of like car pooling, 4 guys on the same street all work in the CBD 9-5 Mon-Fri. They could each buy a car but instead decide to buy one big car between them, a people carrier :) This goes great for a while until one of the guys decides to take the people carrier for a joy ride one evening and when his pals need it for work the next day hes not back ... Concept works in theory right but sharing only works when no one gets greedy or does something that was unexpected. This got him great cudos on the course as he not only knew how to describe virtualisation but also described one of its biggest drawbacks.
When it came to cloud it was easy, cloud was a taxi, no capitol outlay, pay as you go, there when you need it, you need to transport more than 4 adults you just order a bigger cab ...
I thought my anology had run its course when he asked me about SaaS, as it turns out he hadn't been asked about this on the golf course, he had gone off in search of something he could stump me with :) It turned out to be quite easy to encorporate into my car analogy however as I just told him it was like if your cab showed up with a driver and a GPS :), or maybe even leather seats and a tv screen and fridge full of beer, you,re paying a bit more but you get everything you need ...
I'm trying to convince my dad of the virtues of solitary passtimes now :)

Posted by Emma-Jane Skelly

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