יום ראשון, 3 ביולי 2011

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups

I've got to stop looking at my email on my phone while I'm smoking a brisket... I should have done ribs.. they require more attention...

Anyway, Cynthia, to expand on what David is saying, it depends on whether you are getting SaaS or IaaS (or even (Paas) as to who "owns" the software stack. In IaaS, you are providing everything above the "metal." In PaaS, your developers have a toolkit and Integrated Environment to rapidly build and provision your apps. With SaaS, it's as turnkey as it gets, with minimal customization.

In a PRIVATE CLOUD you are back at square one... you own EVERYTHING, you are the PROVIDER as WELL as the CONSUMER, and actually have much more work to do than before you ever heard of the term "Cloud " in the first place.

Maybe that is why HYBRID Cloud will be the dominant model for many years to come.

Back to celebrating Independence from whatever ....
Posted by Jan Klincewicz, MBA

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