יום שבת, 11 בפברואר 2012

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

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@Muhammad - All major Telco's will be keen to work with local players on the ground who have the Customer base. Telco's traditionally are very good at being Telco's, and thats it (DT maybe being the exception), Telco's being System Integrators and Application Service Providors have somewhat a chequered history. I do not profess to know the ME market at all, however from my experience, the connection with the local Telco will probably lead over the International Telco (at the the end of the day the International Telco will have to work with local guys in some shape or form). Your success will come from your local on the ground knowledge of the customer base, if an International Telco is aligned with a local Telco, (i.e. the International providing the Application and Integration Support) and delivered across the local network by the local Telco you can create an end to end offering and not worry about the hand offs, and service support. If you cannot get an end-to-end offering, I would really think about the business model, it could be fraught with danger. Best of luck.
Posted by Ken Major

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