יום חמישי, 7 ביולי 2011

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups


I just viewed the first video in the series. it started out pretty well, but pretty quickly veered off topic (from definition) to penetration, use cases, SMB vs. Enterprise etc. All good info, but for such short segments, I suspect the original topic could have been plumbed a bit more deeply. I'll certainly check out other episodes. The segment was well-produced and the speakers were knowledgeable, but I guess (as is probably painfully obvious by now) the subject of a standardized definition of Cloud is one about which I feel pretty strongly. I would have loved to hear the Gartner guy defend why his organization insists on maintaining that Cloud be delivered over "The Internet" when NIST conspicuously avoids its inclusion in their definition.
Posted by Jan Klincewicz, MBA

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