יום ראשון, 3 ביולי 2011

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups


I guess using power/ water utilities to explain PUBLIC cloud is easily understandable. However, when come to PRIVATE cloud, water/power utilities seem confusing. As what the picture shown above, I supposed, the only difference between public cloud and private cloud is the ownership of hardware infrastructures. End users, who use public cloud, do not own any of the hardware. They just approach cloud service providers to get whatever applications they need and pay for what they use. However, for private cloud, end users own their hardware infrastructure (its the end users who decide whether or not to virtualize it). But when come to SOFTWARE layer ( applications that run in hardware) they will engage service provider to provide application they need and pay as what they have used.

Do you guys agree with me?

Posted by Cynthia Ho

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