יום חמישי, 7 ביולי 2011

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups

HI There: We have just released a 14 part documentary series that explores every aspect of the cloud which may be a help to this discussion. The production features regional analysts and experts from Gartner and explores the NIST definition - SAAS - PAAS - IAAS - security issues - how it applies to business ext.

It has been produced for the Australian market - but actually approaches cloud in the way it should be - Global - and will answer pretty much all you queries listed above.

Here's the link:

I would really be interested in your views - as we are about to launch into pre-production for a global series, so If any of you have any suggestions please let me know:

PS: Its vendor neutral - so there are no sales a=or marketing pitches involved! :)

Posted by Oliver Milton

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