יום שבת, 2 ביולי 2011

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups

vCloud is (and has been for awhile) a 1.0 product... Until they can reconcile vApps from the old definition of vApp with the new definition of vApp it will remain a "test and dev" product. Yes, it is IaaS but good at the monenty only for net new environments (and how many of us have that luxury ?) I hear what you're saying about performance and encryption but that is just mis-applied technology, Throw that stuff on dedicated new-generation GPUs and see what happens !! Actually, the HACKERS are far ahead in that sense... (but then I think we are hijacking this thread, and taking ti where it was never intended) ..

HEY -- It's a long holiday weekend, at least here in the U.S. of A !! I'm going to celebrate our freedom from tyranny by consuming artery-clogging barbecued animal flesh and ludicrous amounts of fermented beverages .... See you all on Tuesday !!!
Posted by Jan Klincewicz, MBA

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