יום שישי, 20 בינואר 2012

New comment on "How do you explain cloud computing to your colleagues?"

LinkedIn Groups

I don't get it! I don't get it!.....

Single-Instance, Multi-Instance,Multi-Tenanted, Managed Services, In-Sourced or Outsourced, Networked and Hosted... Been there! Done That! Many times! Been around since the days of the Mainframe - which by the way are back at the core of Cloud...

Everyone is so hot to define (Cloud) ...

You are putting a solution ahead of a problem!

The real questions are these:

"What do you do with Cloud that you can't do now?"
"What's the compelling Value proposition in Cloud over any other alternative?"
and assuming a compelling Value Proposition in Cloud over anything else; What then?

Do you have a sustainable competitive advantage (read differentiator) and what can you do to monetise that differentiator?

If you can't answer the specific business questions (read real commercial solution to a real business problem) you are wasting your time trying to explain a technology solution that is as amorphous and flexible as Cloud!

What Cloud does do universally; It removes a number of barriers to entry to startups and opens a path to Ubiquity & Utility (Read Utility & Mobility with no upfront CAPEX for Hardware + proportional OPEX based on Usage):

Now Think about this: It's WHAT YOU DO with Cloud that IS MOST IMPORTANT:

"Point of Attachment into a Network providing Service Availability and Usage" - Now think about where that architecture can blow an existing business model away....

eg Now consider Retail / Auctions / Food / Fuel / Accommodation / Support Services / Finance etc in fact any market involving multiple participants in an end-to-end chain and one or more commodities where the current incumbents use a either a physical position or Geography with a Cost+Margin Model to extract revenue from the chain.

That's your answer.....to WHY CLOUD.....Now look at the economics to tell you HOW...
Posted by Robert

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